31 May 2016

Its...NOT it's!

My son is four years old and will be starting UPK (Universal Pre-Kindergarten) in the fall. I had to go to the school administration building this afternoon to hand in his paperwork. I was sitting in the waiting room, which was decorated with lots of colorful posters advertising the benefits of UPK and how it can positively impact children's lives.

I spotted one brochure that stopped me in my tracks. I had to take a picture.
"Children are the worlds most valuable resource and it's best hope for the future." - JFK

I often see people misusing the "it's/its", but I was very surprised to see the mistake being made on a brochure talking about educating children. I wonder if the person who typed up the brochure realized his/her mistake after stacks and stacks of them were printed off.

Perhaps I should email this very handy website to the school district: It's not Its | Its not It's


Susan said...

ok, Katherine, yes it's and its are homophones that are easily confused, and yes it's particularly ironic that this misuse appears on an educational poster. I'm sure JFK knew the difference, so blame the poor proofreader who missed this one. It happens. People are human. But what did you learn from this poster? You clearly know the difference. Use your blog to investigate grammar items that you want to learn and know more about instead of using it to post grammar rants.

katherine is love said...
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katherine is love said...

Hi Susan,
Thanks for the feedback. I am surprised that this post came across as a rant. That isn't what my intention was. I thought the blog was to be used to view and post about grammatical errors/issues we notice in everyday life. As far as including the website, I was trying to be funny and it just didn't work, I guess.

Edited to add: I'll make sure my future posts reflect more about grammar rules that I want to learn more about or have questions about.